Full-Service Funerals


Healing begins with a full-service funeral. Healing is a process.

The road to healing after a painful loss is a different journey for everyone. No one knows how the journey will take shape until it is already begun. But there are several qualities found again and again in the most successful stories of healing after loss.

A full-service funeral provides all the essential qualities that make up the ideal healing and transition process after the loss of a loved one. When considering options, please consider the benefits of a full-service funeral.

A safe setting.

A full-service funeral creates an environment where coping with loss can be done safely and with friends and loved ones.

Helping to honor the deceased.

The ceremony of a full-service funeral allows the grieving person to mark the occasion in a way that is solemn, somber and honorable.

An opportunity to “move on.”

A full-service funeral is considered the proper place to say “good-bye” and to find closure. Moving on is not easy, but a full-service funeral helps with the transition.

You will not be alone.

A lasting benefit of a full-service funeral is its ability to bring together support from family and loved ones, even those who have lost touch over the years. After a painful loss, you will be surprised by the solace and comfort from friendships you and your family created throughout your life.

Share memories.

 A full-service funeral can be personalized in many ways, offering unique opportunities to reminisce and to share memories with family, friends and loved ones.

Helping to release the pain of loss.

No matter what one does, the loss of a loved one will be difficult to accept; there will be pain and a need to release it. A full-service funeral helps release the pain of loss in a beneficial way. This is an important step in the healing process.

Begin the healing process.

Everyone heals differently and some do not know how they will heal until the time comes. That’s why it’s vital to conduct a full-service funeral: for some, it is an essential beginning to the healing process. Without it, the process never begins and the pain of loss remains.

Express grief.

Grief after loss must have some release or it can be an unhealthy burden on one’s thoughts. Learning to cope with loss is imperative; doing it in a safe, comfortable setting is ideal.

Share memories.

Reminiscing about a lost loved one and his or her accomplishments is a beneficial aspect of the healing process.

Take comfort in others’ support.

Surrounding oneself with friends and loved ones is essential for healing – one cannot cope with loss alone. Seek out friends and family to share your grief and cope with loss.

Search for “closure.”

A necessary part of the healing process is “closure” or “moving on.” Closure allows one to reconcile the loss and to continue the healing process.